KBb-09 Free solid surface tubs with center drain and overflow
KBb-10 Indoor Freestanding cast resin Bathtub with center drain and overflow
KBb-11 Round drop-in bathtub with Side Drain
KBb-12 American Standard Free Standing Soaking Bathtub 67”with Center Drain
KBb-13 Corian bathtub oval shaped with center drain and overflow
KBb-15 Circular Bathtub diameter 51” 59”with ceter drain and water overflow
KBb-16 Free Standing Solid Surface Bathtub oval shaped with right/left side drain and overflow
KBb-17 / KBb-18 Round shape solid surface free standing bathtub
KBb-19 Rectangular Freestanding Tub with right/left side drain hole and overflow
KBb-20 Drop-in Soaking Bathtub free standing and solid surface material
KBb-21 Alcove bath tub with Center Drain, it can add an integrated apron
KBb-01 Kitbath New Transparent Europe Style Stone Resin Custom Bathtub Soaking Tubs For Hotel